2022 Updates

Koori Mail Flood Relief

Operating from Bundjalung
Service to all of so-called australia.

Contribution to the costs associated with purchasing additional office suites and contributions to building repairs due to major flood damage

Thank you for your incredible kindness and generosity for the Koori Mail throughout the flood recovery last year,I will never be able to thank you enough for the contribution Pay The Rent made to the Koori Mail. It truly was the difference between us being able to stay operational during a time when we were struggling to provide safe work space for our staff.



Black Pearl

Operating from Wurundjeri
Servicing to so-called victoria

  • Contributions to operations of the studio space to meet needs of the community to feel comfortable to gather, create and share together
  • Facilitate artistic and creative practices for community

Please see their report here.


Uprising of the People (UP)

Operating from Kulumbirigin Country
Service to all of so-called darwin


  • “We advocate for our people by working closely with local community members, artists, grassroots organisations and First Nations people to connect families and young people with Elders and Country”

Campaign to Stop Aboriginal Deaths in Custody

Service to all of so-called australia


  • Advocating and campaigning to create systematic changes to reduce deaths in custody

Aboriginal Tent Embassy

Operating from Ngunnawal
Servicing to all of so-called australia

  • Maintenance and preparations for the Aboriginal Tent Embassy’s 50th Anniversary

The Dhadjowa Foundation

Operating from Meanjin
Servicing to all of so-called australia


      • First point of support after death in custody
      • Voice for family after death in custody
      • Advocating and campaigning to create systematic changes to reduce deaths in custody

More community initiatives updated here soon

“Pay The Rent offers all Australians an opportunity to work outside of government to right the wrongs.”

Ted Wilkes

life-time fighter for Aboriginal rights & Nyungar elder of the Wilak clan

“We all exist on lands which have never been ceded. Righting the past wrongs is a social responsibility we all share. Proud advocate of Pay The Rent.”

Hana Assafiri OAM

founder, Moroccan Soup Bar

“We need to stop paying lip service to decolonisation and start Paying The Rent to the First Nations people.”

Clementine Ford

Author & commentator

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